11 Years…

11 years of marriage…11 years of sacrifice…11 years of laughs…11 years creating a family…11 years of praising God for seeing us through yet another year.  When I look at the number 11, and take it for face value, there’s something symbolic that catches my eye…two number 1s coming together to create something new.

Many times we go through life saying, “Happy Anniversary,” “Thank God we made it another year,” “Wow, how time flies,” and “I love you more today than ever before.”  While all of this is true, this year, our 11th year, has caused me to pause and say something a little different….THANK YOU.  You may be thinking, “Really…that’s it??”  I simply say, yes…that’s it…yet how profound this phrase is for me this year.  “Thank you,” to the people who stood by us and for us through these 11 years.  On the outside you may only see two individuals coming together, but what you don’t see are all the individuals who played a vital part in keeping what you see, together.  I thank our parents for constantly praying for us, and for setting wonderful examples of what a Godly marriage should look like.  Thank you to our pastor for making us promise him that if the road leading to divorce was close, that we would meet with him in a last effort to mend what was broken.  Thank you to my cousin for encouraging me to make right what was going wrong.  A huge thank you to my fellow LEO wives who have been there to encourage me, give me godly advice, and to lend a comforting ear when I needed it.  Thank you to my Hen Den for constantly walking alongside me and my husband through this journey of marriage AND parenthood…for taking care of my boys, and loving them like they are your own kids.

11 years of serving God together…11 years of not giving up…11 years of praying together…11 years of love.


“Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love.”  -1 Corinthians 13:13